Powerful Mold inhibitor & Performance enhancer


Agua-tox is an ecofriendly nonhazardous toxin eliminator that contains dissociated organic acids which help in neutralizing various toxins present in aquatic animal. The prebiotics & other ingredients help in proliferation of symbiotic bacterial population & inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria ingredients & exhibits anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger & immunomodulatory activity resulting in healthy immune system.


  • Fight against wide range of toxins
  • Act as hepato-stimulant, hepato-protectant & hepato-regenerator
  • Prevent Pasteurellosis, Hematopoietic necrosis & Botulism
  • Improve pond water quality
  • Effective on gill infection, Broken antenna, tail rot & body wounds

Dosage & Administration

1-2 Litre /Acre of pond of one metre depth

Packaging & Presentation

1 Litre & 5 Litre HDPE Bottle

