Dayo Allium
Antiviral & AGP Replacer


Garlic (Allium sativum) is considered as promising feed alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in poultry industries due to its non-toxicity, anti-inflammatory and easy availability characteristics. Treatment with garlic can also mitigate oxidative stress and reduce free-radical production. Dayo Allium is a unique herbal supplement that enhances the immunity, health and performance of birds against infection. 


  • Natural antibiotic growth promoter
  • Enhance egg output & quality of meat
  • Increase resistance response to bacterial infections
  • Stimulate gut & intestinal functions
  • General tonic & feed supplement boost digestion and appetite

Dosage & Administration

Liquid: 1ml per litre of drinking water
Powder: 1kg per ton of feed

Packaging & Presentation

Liquid: 500 ml, 1litre & 5litre HDPE Bottle
Powder: 25 Kg HDPE Bag

Dayo Allium