Complete Liver tonic


Dayo Liv is a potent hepato-protectant formulated product according to aquatic animal requirement. It helps in multiple activities in liver and pancreas for aquatic species. Dayo Liv guards the liver parenchyma against the damaging effects of aflatoxins present in food, antibiotics, anthelmintics and other chemical drugs. It has no toxicity or residual effect on aquatic life.


  • Protect liver against toxins & regenerate hepatocytes
  • Improve digestion, absorption of nutrient, FCR & livability
  • Stimulate biochemical pathways of carbohydrate, protein & fat synthesis
  • Optimize the production & activity of intestinal, hepatic & pancreatic enzyme

Dosage & Administration

Feed mixing
10-15ml/kg of mesh feed
15-20ml/kg of pelleted feed
Pond water
1.5-2litre/Acre of pond water

Packaging & Presentation

5 litre jar
