Dayo Choler
A Unique herbal tonic for respiratory tract agony


Respiratory issues in the flock range in different levels of severity causing viral replication & secondary complications like coughing, low feed consumption & weight loss associated with the respiratory agony. Our product Dayo Choler is a microemulsion of various phytoconstituents that is designed to support respiratory health in chicks, Growers, Layers, Broilers & Breeders & prevents viral or bacterial penetration of the mucosal barrier thus acting as a strong disease preventive herbal supplement.    


  • Treat CRD, IB, RD & coryza
  • Provide relief from mucous, stress & labored Breathing
  • Act as Anti Inflammatory & Decongestant
  • Prevention of production losses in CRD outbreaks

Dosage & Administration

Prophylaxis: 100ml/1000 birds
Curative: 200ml/1000 birds

Packaging & Presentation

Liquid: 500 ml, 1 litre & 5 litre HDPE bottle

Dayo Choler