
Dayo Cal-D
Calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin Supplement for Bone strength


The role of calcium, phosphorous & Vitamin D3 supplement is required for the synthesis of bones in poultry. Initial signs of deficiency in birds are Lameness, stiff legs, ruffled feather & reduction in growth. Calcium & phosphorous deficiencies can lead to abnormal skeletal development or rickets in growing chicks. Dayo Cal-D prevents the nutrient deficiency & maintains the overall health of skeletal and muscular system.


  • Provide immediate response against calcium deficiency
  • Prevent egg breakage and lameness
  • Maintain homeostasis and growth
  • Aid in various deformities related to bone disorder like Osteomalacia & rickets
  • Improve egg shell quality

Dosage & Administration

20-40 ml/100 birds

Packaging & Presentation

500 ml, 1litre, 5litre & 30litre HDPE Bottle

Dayo Cal-D