Synthetic Choline Chloride Replacer


Dayo-Chol is an organic animal feed supplement that contains selected herbs rich in non-toxic and highly bioavailable choline that reduces conversion of choline to TMA. It acts as a hepato-protector which optimizes bile secretion and prevents aflatoxicosis regulating the liver functions.  Dayo-Chol has a capability of replacing Synthetic choline due to its non-hygroscopic, non-off flavored, non-corrosive and ecofriendly properties.


  • Regulate fat metabolism and prevent fatty liver disease
  • Optimize the body weight & FCR
  • Increase egg production, hatchability and Fertility 
  • Prevent Perosis & promote muscle growth

Dosage & Administration

Poultry Powder: 350 gm per ton of feed. 
350 gm of Dayo-Chol can replace 1kg of synthetic 60% choline chloride


5kg & 25 kg BOPP bag
